9th February 2024
What is Lent?
For many Christians and church traditions around the world, the period known as 'Lent' is a significant part of their church calendar and is filled with meaningful spiritual practices. Lent is the period of 40 days (not counting Sundays) that lead up to Easter, and can be a powerful time of focusing on Jesus' death and resurrection and what it means for us today. Observing Lent traditionally has emphasized three practices designed to help us draw closer to God: prayer, fasting and almsgiving (giving money or acts of charity).
This year we desire to grow in attending to and be attentive of the presence of God in our lives. Lent spiritual practices are a great opportunity to do so! Lent begins this coming Wednesday (14th February). As a church we invite you to join us in being attentive to God's presence throughout Lent by reading devotionally through the book of Matthew together.
Follow along on the Bible App here: https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/83-lent-for-everyone
Join our lent discussion group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/342828595383066
News from Nita Finger

Nita Finger is one of our missionary partners. She works in Uganda with the Karamojong people in Moroto. She arrived back in Australia on 10 January for a few months. We are looking forward to her visiting us at NVBC in March.
Nita will be sharing at the AIM Lunch on Saturday 16th March at 11:30am-3pm at the Grange Hotel in Wyoming. Lunch costs $40. RSVP to Robyn at finance.au@aimint.org
Nita, who was part of the NVBC family for several years, now works as part of Africa Inland Mission (Australasia) team working with the Karamojong people group. If you would like to learn more about Nita’s work, click here. And watch for her prayer points is in The Harvest each month.
Missed Vision Sunday?
We've got you covered if you did! The message is available to listen to on our podcast or watch on our YouTube channel.
Below is a summary of the message with downloadable slides used in Travis' message. It's going to be a great year together!
Church Family News
A big congratulations to  Beth and Tim (and big brother Lachlan) on the birth of Imogen (pictured left), and to Stephanie and Connor (and big sister Tahlia) on the birth of Elijah (pictured right). We are sharing in your joy and are thanking God for the safe arrival of the newest members of your family. May God bless and guide Imogen and Elijah all the days of their lives.
Prayer Meeting
Wednesday 21st February at 7:30pm
This is our second church prayer gathering of the year. Anyone from within the church community is welcome, and in fact encouraged to come along!
Read more about it here.
Presence Night
Wednesday 6th March at 7:30pm
Come along to spend the evening together with God,
welcoming and worshipping the presence of God together.
Read more about it here.
Friday 22nd-Sunday 24th March
BAMCAMP is The Valley's annual camp. It's the highlight of our year!
Read more about it and get tickets here.
Finance Update
Thank you to all who continue to partner with us and help financially resource the ministry of God through NVBC. Below is our year to date summary. We will report monthly throughout 2024, with details of our year to date (YTD) giving, other income, expenses and our NET position that takes into consideration the principle payments on our building loan.
On the right of the graphic you can see our average weekly giving listed (actual vs target). At our last focus meeting we approved a 2024 deficit budget, so have also included below that the required income to balance this year's budget. If you have any questions or feedback on this model of reporting our finances, please email treasurer@nvbc.info
