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24th January 2025

My soul needed that - Travis

Last Sunday I found myself having a real moment with God in the midst of our Worship Night. We were only a song and a bit into our time together when it felt like my soul breathed out a big sigh of relief, as I had a deep sense wash over me of "I needed this". I didn't even know I needed it, but I did. I really did! Speaking to others after the service, I know I was not alone in that experience.

In the New Testament letter of 3 John, 'the elder' writes to a beloved member of a house church called Gaius and expresses this heart and prayer: "I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul." (ESV)

Friends, we should not underestimate how significantly our lives are impacted by the state of our soul!

Perhaps a question worth reflecting on as the year begins to pick up pace is: is all well with my soul? What does my soul need at the moment?

Throughout January we have been deliberately giving space to tend to our souls at the beginning of a new year. In slowing down and dwelling on spiritual truths, our heart was for each of us to experience the opportunity to rest, reflect, restore, and renew our inner life with God. To have our souls settled and strengthened, for all to be well within us for the year ahead.

This Sunday will be no exception as we close out this season in Psalm 84. We hope to see you there. And hey, you never know... it might be exactly what your soul needs!

What's your 2024 Testimony?

God is constantly, lovingly, mercifully and powerfully at work in our lives and in our world!

Each year we set a service aside for sharing the stories of God's goodness, of answered prayer and of where we have seen God at work over the past year.

Why do we run this service? To help us each mindfully reflect, remember and acknowledge the many ways we each experienced God's goodness last year. To publicly thank God and give him all the glory. To encourage and inspire one another in the sharing of our stories, and to fuel our faith and prayers for what can be in the year ahead.

We invite you to be asking God this week if there is a specific testimony of experiencing God's provision, his healing, his leading, his empowering, his comfort or his work in the life of someone close to you that you could share next Sunday morning. There will be plenty of 'open mic' opportunities, but if you know that you would like to share please let Travis know as it will help in the planning of the service. (PS. It's also a fabulous week to invite a friend along!)

Serve With Us

As we come to the end of January, the year is almost in full swing! As you consider what you're going to have 'on your plate' this year, we'd love to encourage you to think about serving with us at NVBC. If you're already serving, is it time for a change - to move into a new ministry role or take up another opportunity? And if you're not currently serving with us, is it time to start in 2025? We'd love to chat to you some time about it.

If you'd like to know more, chat to one of our pastors, or fill in this interest form and we'll get in touch with you.

Next Door Discernment

Thank you to all who have been praying and feeding back your thoughts regarding the unexpected sale of the block next door (catch up here if this is news to you).

The Board and Elders continue to prayerfully consider the possibilities. A taskforce comprising Brad Jones, Andy Miller, Dave Kenny, Rebecca Reurich, Matt Learmonth and David Hampe have been empowered to spearhead the investigating using their collective skills and experience.

We invite you to please continue in prayer for God's wisdom and clear leading in this.


This Sunday AM

Sunday, 9:30am

Join us as Travis finishes our January 'Dwell' series, speaking from Psalm 84 on the importance of setting our hearts on God. Kids packs will be available during the sermon this week.

Sunday PM BBQ

Sunday, 5:00pm

On Sunday night we are hosting a shorter service, with worship and an interactive devotional to be followed by a sausage sizzle (donations appreciated) and games outside! All welcome.

Baptism Service

If you have been prayerfully thinking about being baptised, now is a great time to talk to one of our pastors about being baptised next Sunday night! To express your interest or find out more about baptism at NVBC, visit

Vision Sunday

Sunday 9 Feb

Each year, in response to listening to God's leading, we set a theme and focus for us to go after together as a community. This is one for your diaries not to be missed!!




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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