17th January 2025
"Who you are..." - Johnny

“You don’t get wormy apples off a healthy tree, nor good apples off a diseased tree. The health of the apple tells the health of the tree. You must begin with your own life-giving lives. It’s who you are, not what you say and do, that counts. Your true being brims over into true words and deeds." - Jesus, Luke 6:45 (The Message)
This month we've been trying to stop, to spend time just dwelling on some deep Spiritual truths. So often we are striving, working, trying our best to do what is good and right, to live good lives. And that sort of hard work is worthwhile, up to a point. But as Jesus taught his disciples in Luke 6, who we are matters much more than what we say or do. Who we really are is the wellspring of our words and actions, like a good tree that bears good fruit (because a bad tree will bear bad fruit!)
I'd love to encourage you this week to take some time to work on your inner life - take an hour, or half a day, or a whole day.
Set aside time to read the Bible, or read some wise words written on biblical foundations.
Set aside time to pray, not just a quick prayer listing all your needs, but some quality unhurried time to talk with God.
Set aside time to reflect and journal and contemplate, taking stock of your life with God and what this year might hold for you.
Set aside time to worship, to enjoy who God is and what He has done for you, and declare it to Him, to yourself, and to others.
Because as you do these things, your true self is transformed - and your transformed self can overflow into words and deeds that reflect Jesus. That's my encouragement for us all this week.
Next Door Update

Thank you to all who have been praying and feeding back your thoughts regarding the unexpected sale of 151 Narara Valley Dr (the block next door to the church). If you missed the news in last week's newsletter, you can catch up here.
During the week a taskforce conveyed by the Board met to map some due diligence exploratory next steps as we consider the potential opportunity before NVBC. We invite you to please continue in prayer for God's wisdom and clear leading in this.
Join a 2025 Connect Group

Are you keen to be part of a Connect Group at NVBC this year? Connect Groups are the place where we gather to grow together, learn together, encourage one another and support one another. Some of those things happen on a Sunday, but there is so much more that can happen in a smaller, more interactive and relational setting like a Connect Group.
We have a number of different Connect Groups meeting throughout the week, at various times. We have groups for everyone - Young Adult groups, groups for women, groups for men, groups for seniors, groups for parents, and of course mixed intergenerational groups. In a connect group you'll get to talk about the bible and faith and life, and do the journey alongside others.
If you'd like to join a group, chat to Ps. Johnny or fill in this form and we'll help find the right group for you.
This Sunday AM

Sunday, 9:30am
Join us as Johnny continues our January series, helping us dwell on our blessings so that the world may know (Psalm 67). Kids activities will be running in the hall during the sermon.
Worship Night

Join for a time of unhurried worship and prayer this Sunday PM as we continue positioning our hearts with God for the year ahead. All welcome and encouraged to come along!
Joan Clark's Thanksgiving Service

Wed 22 Jan, 2pm
All who knew Joan are invited to a Celebration of Life service next Wednesday, with afternoon tea to follow the service. If you are able to help with the afternoon tea, please contact Debbie. The dress code is smart casual (with colours preferred).
The family have shared that anyone looking for a practical way to show their support and honour her legacy can make a donation to Dementia Australia via their website.