9th August 2024
Exodus: Their Story, God's Story, Our Story
This week we begin a series in the book of Exodus. Exodus is the story of God's people, the Israelites, and their salvation from slavery in Egypt. It features many famous stories like Moses as a baby floating down the Nile in a basket; God appearing to Moses in a burning bush and telling him His Name; God sending plagues to convince Egypt to let His people go; the parting of the sea; the giving of the Ten Commandments; and many others.
Yet Exodus isn't just the story of an ancient people - this is a story God has told again and again throughout history, culminating in the story of Jesus. Jesus the baby saved from a genocidal king; Jesus the ultimate revelation of God's character; Jesus the saviour and rescuer of his people from their slavery to sin and death; Jesus the fulfilment of the law; Jesus the sacrificial lamb... Exodus is God's story.
And so we hope in the next few months, as we explore this book, you will discover that Exodus is our story too. Perhaps you will see yourself in Moses; or in the Israelites who are desperate for God to act in their circumstances; or even in the Israelites who complain and argue when they should be thankful and rejoicing!
Check out the Bible Project overview video below to get acquainted with the first half of the book:
And download our reading plan to read along with the series in your own times with God (3 readings per week):
The reading plan will also be available as a bookmark for your bible. Collect one from the info desk on Sunday!
Connect Weekend is here
Our Term 3 Connect weekend is already off to a great start with two events under our belt before the working week has even finished!! It's not too late to sign up to attend an event.
As part of Connect Weekend, everyone is invited to join us for this week's BBQ after the morning service (let us know you're coming here) or for dinner out after the PM service (RSVP here).
For Sunday lunch we'll BBQ up a bunch of sausages & onion, and serve alongside a variety of rolls, salads & sides (might even be a sneaky ice-cream for after!). There will also be tables, lawn games and a kids hang zone set up to go along with all the fun! We will ask for a voluntarily donation to help cover costs.
Insight High School Ministries
Insight is the regional High School Ministry, representing the churches of the Gosford area and our commitment to sharing God's love and a knowledge of the scriptures with High Schoolers in our area. This year, insight has provided Back-to-School Bags for high school students in need, employed part-time youth workers to support school welfare teams, and providing SRE teachers and programmes in some of the public high schools in our area.
Please be praying that God would raise up more workers, as there are opportunities to provide Christian youth workers in our local schools, but 'the workers are few'. You are invited to attend the Prayer Breakfast on August 31 at 8:30am, hosted at Rhema's headquarters at 16 Dyer St, West Gosford. RSVP here.
Finance Update
A heartfelt thank you to all who continue to partner with us in resourcing the work of God through NVBC. We are running behind where we need to be this year, but we believe that together with God we can do this! Our treasurer will share briefly in this Sunday's service to give a better picture of where things are at, and then we shall commit this to God in a time of prayer.
This Sunday
In the AM, Johnny will start our new series through Exodus before we all share together over a BBQ lunch! In the PM, Travis will share on 'Prayer: Monologue or Dialogue? Learning to listen to the voice of God in times of prayer' before we all head out to dinner together :)
Connect Weekend
Our Connect Weekend is already underway! Check out what's happening tomorrow or sign up to one of our Sunday post-service meals on the whatson page.
Compassion Sunday
Next Sunday
Next Sunday we are looking forward to hosting Rachel from Compassion at both services. The Wolski's are also organising a lunch at Saran Thai for those who would like to share a meal with Rachel after the morning service. RSVP to riven13@me.com
Men's Event
Calling all the men of the church, to gather for a night of connecting over a meal and around a bonfire at the Nicholson's place. Lock it in your diaries and RSVP here.