6th December 2024
Worshipful Christmas Spending
Advent Conspiracy was founded on the radical idea that we can celebrate Christmas humbly, beautifully, and generously.
Week two of the four key tenants of Advent Conspiracy movement is to: spend less. More than just an invitation to say no to overspending, this is an invitation to a new way of celebrating. The invitation is to start a new tradition of spending compassionately and responsibly.
Some ideas to help you Spend Less this Christmas (from the Advent Conspiracy website)
Make a Christmas budget and then stick to it. Don’t compare yourself to others, pray and do what is best for your family.
Research companies that are Fair Trade.
Pray for the people on your Christmas list before purchasing anything. Make spending a conscious decision that engages your heart.
It’s not just about the presents. Notice how much you’re spending on other Christmas activities (going out to eat, new outfits, wrapping paper, decorations, etc.). Find one area where you can cut back this year.
Write down five things you’re thankful for. Take inventory of how blessed you already are.
Set a spending limit as a family. Let everyone have the same amount to spend on each other. You’ll be surprised at how creative your kids will get!
Donate old and unused clothes, toys, and books to a local organization. Notice how much stuff you actually don’t use or need.
Ministry Highlight: Senior's Ministry
It has been a wonderfully encouraging year at our Senior's Services (which are held on the last Thursday of the month). Throughout the year we have been blessed each month by hearing from someone reflecting on their life and their experiences of God throughout their life.
What has been inescapable is the beautiful ways that God is lovingly at work over the course of our lives; weaving His story of grace, redemption, guidance and empowering across the many decades. The stories have caused us each to be deeply thankful for one another and to God. They have inspired us to look for the ways that God is at work in our lives right now. Each month we have come away with renewed passion to participate with God in serving him and our world.
With much to celebrate then, our Senior's ended the year with a party together (photo above). Our Senior's Communion Services will now be in recess over the New Year break, and resume for 2025 from the last Thursday in February.
Christmas Appeal
This year the offerings collected during our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services will go to supporting Baptist Mission Australia missionaries in Thailand who were impacted by flooding.
For those not aware, earlier this year there were two significant floods in Northern Thailand. Since then, these missionaries have been helping their communities recover and rebuild, even while their own homes had been impacted. Some will need to replace almost entire households. Others will need vehicles, electrical and household items replaced, as they set up their homes again.
If you won't be at our Christmas Services, you can give online towards the Christmas appeal throughout December here: https://www.nvbc.info/product-page/christmasappeal
Better World Gifts Stall
Both this Sunday and next, we will set up a Better World Gifts stall after our services. An initiative of Baptist World Aid, these cards help support some of the world's poorest and most vulnerable, all while sorting out your Christmas cards for family and friends.
You can learn more about them here.
Focus Meeting Results
Thank you to all who came to our Focus Meeting last Sunday. Our 2025 NVBC budget was accepted and will now be adopted.
Brad Jones was also appointed for a second consecutive term as Elder.
This Sunday
This Sunday AM we host our Kingdom Kids Christmas Service! Stick around afterwards to enjoy morning tea together (and please bring some morning tea to share if able).
This Sunday PM Travis will continue our Advent Conspiracy series in the lead up to Christmas!
Sunday 15 Dec
Gather your family and invite your neighbours to a wonderful night of celebrating and singing carols together! Christmas fair from 5pm and carols by candlelight from 6pm.
Blue Christmas Service
Thursday 19 Dec
A service to acknowledge the grief, disappointments or loneliness that many carry into the Christmas season and to then draw strength from Emmanuel, the God who is with us. To help us in our planning and preparation, please let us know if you are coming along by RSVPing here.