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3rd January 2025

A year with Jesus

Whatever mix of emotions, circumstances or hopeful plans we each have for 2025, one thing should be a constant foundation underneath it all... this year, we want to walk closely with Jesus!!

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." - Jesus (John 15:5)

Two years ago we compiled a little resource with some devotional ideas to help fuel personal time with God. If you found your time with God slipping or being crowded out towards the end of last year, we encourage you to check it out and gives some of the ideas a go. If you are looking for some freshness to take you deeper in your personal rhythms and practices, we encourage you to do the same.

Whether it's exploring new rhythms, reviving old ones or continuing existing ones, may we each walk closely with Jesus this year.

Sermon Recap

Last Sunday we explored the significance of taking 'selah moments'. These intentional pauses in the Psalms are a great example for us to do likewise in our lives; to intentionally pause for reflection, embracing truths and allowing our souls to catch up. Such 'selah moments' have a way of helping lead us deeper into worship and helping prepare us for what is ahead.

If you missed last Sunday's Service, below are some end of year reflection questions that might be helpful for your own processing of last year with God in a quiet selah moment.

After you have looked back on last year, we'd love you to consider: do you have a 2024 testimony to share? We are gearing up for a testimony service on February 2nd and are looking forward to being so encouraged and inspired by what God has done in our lives over the year that was! If you do have a testimony to share, let Travis know here.

Series Intro

The Apostle Paul encourages us that:

‘Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.’ (NASB)

In our fast paced, distraction laden, dopamine addicted lives we can often find ourselves doing everything but dwelling on these things! To steady our souls and anchor them in spiritual truths for the year to come, we are going to dwell on some beautiful spiritual realities through January.

Christmas Giving Updates

Together our Christmas Appeal raised $4,086 to gift to the Northern Thailand Team Rebuild Fund, helping front line missionaries recover after the double flooding in 2024. Together we also gave $1,450 to some of the world's most vulnerable through Baptist World Aid's better gift cards through December. What a wonderful expression of our Christmas worship!


This Sunday

Sunday, 9:30am

Join us for our Sunday Service this week, where we will begin our new series and celebrate Communion together. Our kids will have activities and Veggie tales on in the hall during the service (after first joining us for a time of worship).

PM Summer Sessions

Our PM Service resumes from January 12 with a Pool Party at the Woods! For more info about each week of our PM Summer Sessions visit our what's on page



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