22nd March 2024
A Palm Sunday Prayer
"Lord Jesus, we remember today the timeless story of how when your rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, your friends threw their clothing in your path and children waved palm branches welcoming you with their shouts of Hosanna.
Father loosen today the Hosannas that often stick in our sophisticated throats. Let the child in us come alive that we too may joyfully honour you. May our blinkered eyes catch something of who you really are - the Way, the Truth and the Life.
At the beginning of this holiest of weeks help us to examine our commitments, our loyalties, our priorities and assumptions... Help us not only to ask some of the big questions, but to find some of the big answers by joining today with the crowd that surrounded you on that first Palm Sunday, shouting that the answer to many of life’s biggest questions lies in you.
We pray in your name,
Rev Dr James Simpson
Bamcamp weekend is here
Please pray for all our youth and youth leaders involved in the annual "bamcamp" weekend. They head off tonight to begin a power-packed weekend together. To help fuel your prayers and excitement, here are a few pics from last year!
Rachel's Maternity Leave Position!
After months of thinking, praying, approaching, interviewing and discerning, we are excited to share our recommendation that Sarah White be appointed to Rachel's maternity leave position as NVBC's Children and Families Worker! Join us at our upcoming Focus meeting to hear more and have the chance to respond to the recommendation together.
As part of the process an interview panel was convened, made up of representatives from the Pastors, Elders, Board, Kingdom Kids Leaders and NVBC Parents. You can read their individual recommendations below.
Meet Sarah: My name is Sarah White and I have been attending NVBC for 15 years. I am married to Josh and we have 3 children Alayna, Hannah and Ezra. I have applied for the role of children and families’ worker for the time of Rachel’s maternity leave, and in God’s calling, feel it very much on my heart to move forward in continuing to do the amazing work that Rachel and all of the children’s ministry leaders have been doing.
I believe it to be a great honour to nurture every child’s faith and help them to know and understand the great love that God has for them. With my early childhood training and experience, as well as the passion I have for our children and families of NVBC, I believe this to be a wonderful role that I would be honoured to step into for this year.
Senior's Communion Service
Thursday, 28th March
All are welcome to join for a time of communion, hymns, prayer and connecting over morning tea. This Service Keith Bundy will be sharing some of his story too!
Easter Weekend
Good Friday, 29th March
Easter Sunday, 31st March
Come and join us at 9:30am on Good Friday and Easter Sunday! These services are also a great opportunity to invite friends and family who don't usually come to church - so consider who you can invite along to hear about the heart of our faith, the death and resurrection of Jesus.
There will be a kids program running during both services. We will have Hot Cross Buns after the Good Friday service, and an Easter Egg hunt for the kids on Easter Sunday!
Focus Meeting
Sunday, April 7
Join us directly after the AM service for our next Focus Meeting, where we will be discussing our term 2 staffing! If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Ministry Partner ahead of our upcoming Focus Meeting, send us an email to find out how.
Flourish Dessert Night
13th April
A great chance for the women of NVBC to gather together, build community and be encouraged by personal testimonies of experiencing God's presence. Pop it in your diaries now and you can RVSP here.