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15th March 2024

Presence and Encouragement

I (Travis) sat with a simple yellow lined card yesterday, tasked with the responsibility of penning an encouragement for the person whose name was written at the top. I had been in regular training sessions with a cohort of pastors over the past year. Now the question was whether I been truly present with each of them to give a meaningful, personalised encouragement.

At the end of the exercise I sat with my own card, filled with the affirmations directed towards me. It is amazing how seen, how connected and how valued I felt (and encouraged of course!).This year, one aspect of our theme/focus is our ministry of presence with one another. Perhaps you could take the time over this weekend to think of and then share a meaningful encouragement with someone within our church community!

Partnering in the Gospel with Nita Finger

Nita Finger is one of our mission partners, and she has been visiting NVBC this week. She had a great time at Kingdom Kids last Sunday, sharing about her life in Uganda working with the Karamojong people in Moroto. The kids had lots of great questions and were fascinated about the things she shared! She has also been visiting some of our Connect groups this week, and tomorrow (Saturday) she is speaking at the AIM Lunch in Wyoming.

On Sunday she will be sharing an update in both of our Sunday services. And if you'd like to hear her whole story in much more detail, she will be sharing at Sunday Connect, 3:30-4:30pm in the foyer - everyone is welcome!

Upcoming preachers

As we continue our series through Matthew in the lead-up to Easter, we are particularly excited for our sermons for the next two weeks - check out who's preaching!

Next Focus Meeting

Join us for our next Focus meeting on Sunday April 7, directly after the AM service. Our focus meetings bring the chance to celebrate, discuss and decide matters of importance to the life of our church. Our next one will have a particular focus on staffing into the remainder of the year.

We will be bringing a recommendation for Rachel’s maternity leave position (which we’ll share more about in next week's newsletter) and an interim recommendation to resource into the healthy continuation of our ministry to youth while the search for our next youth pastor continues. We are currently advertising for the Position of Youth Pastor at NVBC, and if you know of anyone who might be suitable for the role please direct them to explore the role here.

If you are interested in becoming a Ministry Partner ahead of our upcoming Focus Meeting, now is a great time to! Chat to any of our elders or pastors, or send us an email to find out how.


Puzzle Competition

This Sunday, 17th March

Do you love puzzles or being a little competitive?! After church this Sunday a speed puzzling competition will be held straight after the morning service. Head down to the lower hall, grab a tea or coffee, some hot chips (provided) and find a partner to match your speed. Let's see who the real puzzling masters are! Puzzles provided. For any questions on the day see Grace Kay.


Good Friday, 29th March

Easter Sunday, 31st March

Come and join us at 9:30am on Good Friday and Easter Sunday! These services are also a great opportunity to invite friends and family who don't usually come to church - so consider who you can invite along to hear about the heart of our faith, the death and resurrection of Jesus.

There will be a kids program running during both services. We will have Hot Cross Buns after the Good Friday service, and an Easter Egg hunt for the kids on Easter Sunday!

Flourish Dessert Night

13th April

A great chance for the women of NVBC to gather together, build community and be encouraged by personal testimonies of experiencing God's presence. Pop it in your diaries now and you can RVSP here.


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149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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