13th December 2024
Who will you invite?
The Angel of the Lord who stood before those frightened shepherds on the night Jesus was born spoke these words to them: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people."
Good news for all! Fast forward to today and the person and message of Jesus continues to be for all people. Not just for those who will be found in our churches this Christmas, but for all. For the sceptical, for the secular, for the alternate spiritualists, for those burnt by Christians in the past, or for those who have just never thought much about it. Jesus is good news, for all people.
As we begin our series of Christmas services this weekend, we encourage you to be prayerful, mindful and courageous in inviting those who will otherwise not be in spaces to hear this news of greatest joy: a Saviour has been born to us!
Who do you know who is into the Christmas season traditions but perhaps not Jesus yet?
Share about our family friendly festival and carols this Sunday and invite them to join you.
Who do you know who is carrying grief, sorrow or disappointment into this Christmas season? Share about our Blue Christmas Service and offer to come along with them.
Who do you know who is somewhat open to hearing more of what's important to you?
Share about our Christmas Eve/Day Services and invite them along with you.
Who do you know who is facing a potentially lonely Christmas Day?
Share about our Christmas Lunch at church (details below) and invite them along.
Christmas Lunch at NVBC
As part of our Advent Conspiracy series, we have been considering what it looks like to celebrate Christmas in a meaningful way. That includes being mindful of those outside our immediate circle of family and friends, and seeking ways to bless them.
Moved by this, Robyn and David Wolski are hosting a Christmas Day Lunch in the church hall for any in need of some company and fun this Christmas. If you or anyone you know would be blessed by joining such a gathering on Christmas Day, you can RSVP here or express an interest at the Info Desk this Sunday.
Christmas Hamper Blessing
Speaking of blessing people, we would love to bless those who have had a rough 2024 with a Christmas Hamper to show our love and care!
If you would like to help contribute, please bring along any good Christmas Hamper goodies this Sunday to donate at the info desk.
Bamcamp Tickets are Live!
Your focus might be on Christmas, but Zach and our youth leaders are already pumped for our annual youth camp 'Bamcamp' ... and tickets go on sale from 9:00pm tonight!
Jump across to our website after 9pm to land an early bird ticket price and secure your spot on Bamcamp 2025.
Better World Gifts Stall
This Sunday is the final chance to grab a Better World Gift card from our stall after the AM service or before the PM carols. An initiative of Baptist World Aid, these cards help support the world's most vulnerable, all while sorting out your Christmas cards for family and friends. We have some physical cards left, or can help you find them online at our stall if another one of them appeals more to you. You can learn about the Better World Gifts in general here.
This Sunday
This Sunday AM Adam Holland will continue our Advent Conspiracy series in the lead up to Christmas and our Kingdom Kids will have their end of year parties during the service!
Sunday 15 Dec
This Sunday PM come join us a wonderful night of celebrating and singing carols together! Christmas fair and BBQ from 5pm, followed by Carols by Candlelight from 6pm.
Blue Christmas Service
Thursday 19 Dec
A service to acknowledge the grief, disappointments or loneliness that many carry into the Christmas season and to then draw strength from Emmanuel, the God who is with us. To help us in our planning and preparation, please let us know if you are coming along by RSVPing here.
Christmas Services
Our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Services are going to both be wonderful celebrations of the coming of our Saviour King, Jesus. They will be two different services, with different bands, different carols, different service elements and preachers... so you're welcome at either or both!
Hey Trav & Johnnny, I just wanna pass on a big thank you for bringing mindfulness back to Christmas. I’m so blessed to be a part of this church, and feel drawn closer to God through.