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Luke 12:32-34; 1 Peter 1:3-9

  • What gives you joy in your life?

  • Do you think joy is an important value in your life? (If so, why? If not, why not?)

Jesus encouraged his followers to seek after their joy in him.

Read Luke 12:32-34

  • What does Jesus say are his priorities here?

  • In what ways are 'the kingdom' and 'treasure in heaven' more valuable than anything else in the world?

  • How can the kingdom be a source of joy in our lives?

Read 1 Peter 1:3-9

  • How does Peter expand on Jesus' vision for a joy-filled life? What do you notice here is added or given more detail?

  • How do you maintain joy in the face of grief and trials? What sort of joy is capable of that?

  • How does 'joy' interact with 'praise' in this passage?

  • Have you experienced the joy that Peter is describing here? Share your stories with one another.

Spend some time in prayer together. You might like to ask God to renew your joy.

Read out this Psalm to conclude your time together:

Psalm 30

1    I will exalt you, LORD, for you rescued me.

You refused to let my enemies triumph over me.

2 O LORD my God, I cried to you for help,

and you restored my health.

3 You brought me up from the grave, O LORD.

You kept me from falling into the pit of death.

4    Sing to the LORD, all you godly ones!

Praise his holy name.

5 For his anger lasts only a moment,

but his favor lasts a lifetime!

Weeping may last through the night,

but joy comes with the morning.

6    When I was prosperous, I said,

“Nothing can stop me now!”

7 Your favor, O LORD, made me as secure as a mountain.

Then you turned away from me, and I was shattered.

8    I cried out to you, O LORD.

I begged the Lord for mercy, saying,

9 “What will you gain if I die,

if I sink into the grave?

Can my dust praise you?

Can it tell of your faithfulness?

10 Hear me, LORD, and have mercy on me.

Help me, O LORD.”

11    You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.

You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,

12 that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.

O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever!


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