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23rd February 2024

Reflection from Ps. Johnny:

I wonder if you've been reading the bible this week. I've been so encouraged by all the people joining in the Lent bible reading plan - and by being part of the group, I've found it so much easier to remember to make time to read Matthew every day! If you started with good intentions but have fallen behind, don't be too hard on yourself, and don't give up. Jump on today and read with us! Here's the link.

But I've also been reflecting this week on the fact that reading the bible every day, in and of itself, isn't necessarily effective. Author Dan Kimball, in his excellent book "How (Not) to Read the Bible", writes this:

I know there are some Christians who know the Bible well but often come across as mean and even arrogant. I can say that they may have head knowledge, but it is not seeping into their hearts. If we really read and study the Bible, God’s Spirit will use it to melt our hearts and change us into people who are loving and more like Jesus. It’s what I want in my life, because I need God to continually change me and shape me as I read in Scripture more about who he is.

I wonder if you've been reading the bible this week and letting it seep into your heart, letting God's Spirit use His Word to change you and shape you. I pray that your reading hasn't just been regular, but that it is effective: teaching, rebuking, correcting and training you, making you more and more like Jesus.

News from ZOE

NVBC’s recent Short Term Mission Trip included a visit to our partner ZOE Thailand. They provide a home for children from having been trafficked. It also has a Bible & Leadership Training Program. There are currently 27 students enrolled in the 2-year programme. Many of these are from minority people groups including some who have fled the unrest in Myanmar.

The STMT enjoyed a time of worship with these students and I am sure any member of that team would love to tell you more about it. NVBC has been supporting the work of the Bible School for many years and our Christmas offering raised an extra $1950 for the work. Learn more about the work of ZOE online, or ask Chris Young about it. And look for the prayer points in The Harvest.

Ministry Highlight: Prayer Meeting

We held our second prayer meeting on Wednesday, praying into the four expressions of our 2024 'Presence' theme together before offering personal prayer for healing.

Check out the four prayer stations below, and join us in praying for our church:

PM Kids - Help Needed

This term we only have enough leaders to run PM Kids on a fortnightly basis, so we are looking for more PM Kids room leaders to be able to offer our kids program every week (during term time). If you have a heart for kids and families and would like to help out, contact Ps. Rachel:


Seniors Service

Thursday 29th February at 10am

A chance to enjoy hymns, communion, morning tea and the chance to connect with each other. Dianne Wicks will be sharing some of her story and Travis will lead a time of Communion.

Welcome Lunch

Sunday 3rd March at 11:30am

If you have joined NVBC over the last 12months, we'd love to invite you to lunch! This will be an informal gathering for us to get to know each other more and help you keep settling in at NVBC. Just click here to let us know if you can make it!

Presence Night

Wednesday 6th March at 7:30pm

Come along for a night of connecting, responding and being in the presence of God together. The night will host a unhurried mix of opportunities to sing, pray, reflect and soak... all designed to help us draw nearer to our Great God, both individually and together.


Finance Update

Thank you to all who continue to partner with us and help financially resource the ministry of God through NVBC! Below is the summary of our year to date giving, other income, expenses and our NET position that takes into consideration the principle payments on our building loan. If you have any questions or feedback, please email




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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