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16th February 2024

A Lent Reflection: Dan Copland

I’m calling on the God of Mary

Whose favor rests upon the lowly

I know with you all things are possible

These powerful lyrics from “Same God” (Elevation Worship) we declared in oneness as a community last Sunday. Reminding us of our God's faithfulness, unchanging nature and miracle-working power.

As we have been increasingly exploring ‘Presence’ over the past few weeks, I had been challenged in my personal prayer times with the Lord to just ‘sit in His Presence’. Immense wrestle with my default urge to always be saying, reading, singing something…but I’m (slowly) learning how to just be with Him.

“Taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8). Emmanuel - God is with us.

It was in this context that the invitation came from Ps. Johnny to be part of the Lent devotional group. Loved the idea, but thought, not really for me right now. I’m all about ‘Presence’ right?! But as the time for Lent approached I felt increasingly drawn to press into His Presence AND His Word. What better way to do that than our Lent Devotional with our precious community.

Already the insights and discussion have been incredible…particularly love hearing what God is unpacking for others - we are truly living stones and need each other to reach maturity in Christ. From my perspective in the first couple of readings - Tom Wright also touches on it himself - I’ve been struck by the immense sovereignty of our God with the prophetic patterns threaded throughout the Old Testament - all pointing so clearly to Christ. Easy to see in hindsight anyway. Already within the first 3 chapters Matthew has intentionally and specifically referenced no less than 6 prophetic quotes being fulfilled - as well as many others inferred by the significance of the birth of Christ. Jesus has not even started His ministry yet!

Our God has a sovereign plan far beyond our understanding, His words are living truth and we can trust Him with all we have. Even for miracles. Mary did. Same God.

News from Daniel Sze

Daniel wishes everyone a happy new lunar year, a year of the dragon. He is pleased to have been invited to preach to the Mt Druitt Indigenous Church every 6 to 8 weeks this year. This year he plans to be on the road again (of course) with short-term mission trips to South Australia. And over summer, Daniel took the opportunity to visit and learn from the indigenous Christians (who are not Chinese) in Taiwan.

Daniel is one of the NVBC-supported mission workers, working with Indigenous Church leaders in both regional and urban NSW. You can read more about Daniel here or ask Bob Gibson to tell you more about Daniel’s work. And look for his prayer points in The Harvest prayer newsletter each month.

Connect Groups

Are you part of a Connect Group this year? We asked Beccy why she loves being part of the Thursday night young adults connect group (pictured):

Why do you love being in a Connect Group?

I think we’ve formed a really nice community - I love having a meal together - it grounds me as life can be consuming and so it’s good to step back from a busy life. And I love talking about God, because we could talk about anything but intentionally talking about God is so nice to take the hit off the heaviness of reality sometimes.

If you want to join a connect group, you can fill in this handy form and Johnny will be in touch.

Updated Office hours for 2024:


Prayer Meeting

Wednesday 21st February at 7:30pm

This is our second church prayer gathering of the year. Anyone from within the church community is welcome, and in fact encouraged to come along!

Read more about it here.

Welcome Lunch

Sunday 3rd March at 11:30am

If you have joined NVBC recently, we'd love to invite you to lunch. This will be an informal gather for us to get to know each other and help you settle in at NVBC. Just click here to let us know if you can make it!


Friday 22nd-Sunday 24th March

BAMCAMP is The Valley's annual camp. It's the highlight of our year!

We'd love it if you can help sponsor some of our youth - you can do so at the info desk on Sunday (or contact Lewis). Read more about it and get tickets here.


Finance Update

Thank you to all who continue to partner with us and help financially resource the ministry of God through NVBC. Below is our year to date summary. We will report monthly throughout 2024, with details of our year to date (YTD) giving, other income, expenses and our NET position that takes into consideration the principle payments on our building loan.

On the right of the graphic you can see our average weekly giving listed (actual vs target). At our last focus meeting we approved a 2024 deficit budget, so have also included below that the required income to balance this year's budget. If you have any questions or feedback on this model of reporting our finances, please email



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