14th June 2024

Gratitude and Glory
'I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. This will please the Lord more than an ox, more than a bull with its horns and hooves' - Psalm 69:30-31
As we have been exploring our NVBC Value of 'Grateful and Generous', I (Travis) have been more mindful of being thankful to God for things in my life. This simple, intentional spiritual discipline has had a beautiful impact on me, and will for anyone who puts it into practice. Gratitude can shift our perspective, hep cultivate contentment and restore joy (to name just a few).
Far from being a self-serving practice though, Psalm 69 reminds us that this practice is one that glorifies and pleases God! It is worship!! According to the Psalm, God welcomes this form of worship even more than the costly and public blood sacrifices made in the Temple under the Old Covenant.
We are those who want to please God, who seek to worship Him and who desire to glorify Him are we not?! Then together, let us join with the Psalmist in having hearts full of gratitude, mouths full of praise as we glorify the Lord with thanksgiving!
The Gathering is Launching!

The Gathering is launching THIS SUNDAY! Come and spend the weekend with us in October at Koala Shores Holiday Park.
If you didn't get emailed an information pack on Wednesday, please let us know.
Tickets will be on sale on the What's On page from 10:50am on 16th June.
Morning Tea Fundraiser

A number of our NVBC family are heading to be a part of this year's State Kids Camp in the school holidays. SKC is run by our Baptist movement as a peak faith experience for school goers in year 4 to 7.
This Sunday after our morning service, they will be running a morning tea fundraiser to offset the transport costs and help provide sponsorship (much like we do with bamcamp).
Come show your support by enjoying a muffin, slice or some popcorn after the morning service and making a donation to the cause!
Let's hear it!
Have you or do you currently use your gifts in some way to serve in a ministry?? If so, we'd love to hear some of your heart in why you serve!! Travis would appreciate if you can share some of your thoughts via: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DDXCRGM
This Sunday
In the AM, Travis is preaching about being Grateful and Generous with our Service.
In the PM, Craig Corkill is preaching about disciples making disciples.
Valley Fitness Update

Valley Fitness started almost 15 years ago with a vision to provide an affordable fitness option in the valley and a way for us at NVBC to build relationships and connect with those in our local community. At the moment, some of our classes are 'community' heavy and we'd love to see a few more NVBC faces to help make connections. We have 4 classes each week, with Zumba making the change to 5.30-6.15pm on Mondays. nvbc.info/fitness
Alpha Marriage Course
Starts This Wednesday, June 19, 7:45pm
After the success of last year's Rebooting Your Marriage seminar, we are going to run another marriage enrichment course this year: The Marriage Course.
The course runs for then next 7 weeks on Wednesday nights, starting June 19 and finishing July 31.
We will be offering the course Online via Zoom, so that you can stay in the warmth of your own home on these cold winter nights!
Please RSVP here.
Latest Finance Update
