[There is an accompanying booklet for our series with the 5 studies, weekly prayer challenges, places for notes and more. If you have not yet, you can download it here]
Welcome to the final week in our series as we complete our exploration of the Lord’s Prayer.
Last week we set the challenge of praying a prayer of confession at the end of every day and praying forgiveness over any who wrong. Share what impact that practice had on you this week.
Was there anything that particularly stood out from the final message of our series on Sunday that you felt God was speaking to you through?
Lead us not into temptation
Pray the Lord’s Prayer aloud together, paying particular attention to how it ends.
Is temptation something you are aware of, think about or pray about often?Â
Why do you think Jesus includes this in the Lord’s Prayer right after teaching us to pray for the forgiveness of our sins?
In several places the Bible tells us that the best way to resist temptation is to flee from it (eg: 1 Corinthians 6:18, 10:14; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:22), and Jesus wisely teaches us here to pray that God would lead us away from it.
Have you ever, in the midst of being particularly tempted, turned to God in prayer and prayed this? Share what impact that had on you if you have.
In our regular rhythm of praying, how might God lead us away from temptation by convicting us about some of our attitudes, choices or habits that lead us towards temptation?
As we pray about temptation, we also remember that Jesus was tempted in every way as us, yet had strength to conquer it (see Hebrews 2:17-18 and 4:15).
How does that thought give you greater confidence in praying honestly to God about the various temptations you face?
As well as praying that God would lead us away from temptation, what can we pray that God leads us towards instead?
Deliver us from the evil one
For many Christians, praying on the armour of God from Ephesians 6:10-18 is part of their regular prayer life. Read Ephesians 6:10-18 and consider:
What does Jesus’ teaching about how we should pray reveal about the presence and influence of the evil one in our lives and world?Â
How does being mindful of the spiritual battle we are engaged in shape our prayers and prayer life?
(From v18) How can we also be praying for one another in this way?
As we finish our series through the Lord’s prayer, reflect upon and share:
What have you found the most personally meaningful (or challenging!) from our series through the Lord’s Prayer?
What changes will you continue to implement into your prayer life after the series ends?Â