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At NVBC we have 5 key values that describe who were are and how we do things around here:

  • Renewed & Renewing: Experiencing ongoing transformation

  • Movement not Monument: Multiplying disciples, leaders and churches

  • A Pioneering People: Embracing faith-based risks

  • Real & Relational: Nurturing authentic community across generations

  • Grateful & Generous: Taking nothing for granted

Over the next few weeks, we will be unpacking the last of these: Grateful & Generous.

  • How do you see gratefulness and generosity expressing themselves in the life of NVBC? Before we start, take a few minutes to celebrate the good things that are happening in the life of our church in the context of this value.

Read Luke 6:37-42

These verses are taken from Jesus' 'Sermon on the Plain' (Luke 6:17-49)

  • What does Jesus call his followers to do in these verses? What does he call them to not do?

  • There seem to be at least three different 'sayings' here in quick succession. How do they all fit together?

  • In light of what Jesus is teaching here, how should we

    • think of others?

    • treat others?

    • teach others?

    • correct others?

  • What does all of this have to say about 'gratefulness and generosity'? (If you're not sure, consider what these verses say about the related concept of 'grace')

Read Galatians 6:1-10

These verses come immediately after the famous 'fruit of the Spirit' verses in Galatians 5:22ff.

  • What does Paul instruct the Galatian Christians to do if a fellow Christian is doing something wrong? Does this surprise you? [1]

  • How is this instruction built on the foundation of Jesus' teaching in Luke 6 (and elsewhere)?

  • What does Paul say here about self-awareness?

    • How does our self awareness effect our ability to be gracious to those who make mistakes?

    • How do we grow and improve in this area as Jesus-followers?

  • How is it 'grateful and generous' to care for those who have done the wrong thing?

    • How common is this attitude towards those who are 'in the wrong'?

    • And what are the 'limits' (if any) to extending this kind of grace to people who do the wrong thing.

    • And what about justice?!

Read Galatians 5:22-26

  • Spend some time praying together that God would fill us with the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) so that we can be people of grace.

[1] John Stott writes of verses 1-2:

Notice how positive Paul’s instruction is. If we detect somebody doing something wrong, we are not to stand by doing nothing on the pretext that it is none of our business and we have no wish to be involved. Nor are we to despise or condemn him in our hearts and, if he suffers for his misdemeanour, say ‘Serves him right’ or ‘Let him stew in his own juice’. Nor are we to report him to the minister, or gossip about him to our friends in the congregation. No, we are to ‘restore’ him, to ‘set him back on the right path’.

John Stott, Galatians, Bible Speaks Today, p164.



149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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