In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells his followers they will be his “witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”, calling them to proclaim and enact the good news of the kingdom locally, regionally and globally. At NVBC we seek to follow this model, engaging in God’s mission in our neighbourhood, our nation and our world.
The following are some of the ways we collectively engage in mission, yet we also believe that each of us are called to live missional lives in our own fields.
We support and partner with:
Kids Hope – a program that connects mentors from the local church with a young person in a local school.
Coast Care – providing Chaplains to two local primary schools.
Insight – partnering with other churches and individuals on the Coast to place Christian Schools Workers and Chaplains in local high schools.
We have a long-term relationship with the Purfleet Aboriginal community in northern NSW, and partner together every year to run a summer camp in January, called ‘Boolarng’ (meaning ‘come together’). This partnership has been running for over 25 years, and is an amazing example of long-term ministry that has had an impact across generations.
We also support Dr. Daniel Sze, who works with First Nations People in Urban and Regional settings around NSW (www.baptistmissionaustralia.org)
We have a focus in Northern Thailand, partnering with:
Compassion –releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. To sponsor a child in Northern Thailand, please click here
Zoe Foundation – working to holistically rescue, restore and prevent children from involvement in human trafficking (www.zoefoundation.org.au).
Baptist Mission Australia – empowering missionaries working with least-reached people groups to build relationships and share Jesus (www.baptistmissionaustralia.org)
Our InterMission team is responsible for our mission initiatives, fostering our relationships with these organisations and also organising short-term mission trips.