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5th April 2024

Don't leave Easter behind

A big thank you to all who were part of making such a meaningful Easter weekend at NVBC! From coffee to carpark, welcomers and worshippers, kids leaders to creche team, sermons to spoken word, hot cross buns to helping with stage design and everyone who helped make someone feel welcome... thank you.

It was a joy to see so many visitors, answered prayers and have a sense of being deeply impacted afresh by the death and resurrection of Jesus together. After such a highlight weekend, we want to encourage you: don't leave Easter behind!

To all who were moved by the love, sacrifice and forgiveness found in Jesus,

don't leave Easter behind

To those who courageously visited or returned in person after a long absence,

don't leave Easter behind

To those who had fresh faith for friends and family,

don't leave Easter behind

To any whose faith was strengthened at the reality of Jesus' resurrection,

don't leave Easter behind

To those who unveiled hearts before God anew and re-surrendered lives,

don't leave Easter behind

Youth Transition Recommendation

It is so good that Lewis has been able to finish on high with Bamcamp and, while we will miss his leadership of The Valley, we are excited for him in the launch of 'A New Way'. Lewis will have his final Sunday at NVBC on May 5th, concluding with an AM preach and a PM baptism service!

We are deeply committed to ensuring the continued health, strength, growth and leadership of The Valley while the search for our next Youth Pastor continues. As such we are excited to bring a recommendation to Sunday's Focus Meeting that Zach Bryant and Josh Kay be appointed as Interim Youth Workers from the beginning of Term 2!!

Zach and Josh in action at Bamcamp 2024

Both Zach and Josh are already deeply invested in our youth ministries as key leaders, each exhibiting godly character and a committed heart for youth. Both have been saved through NVBC's ministries, grown up and discipled here, raised into leadership and feel led by God to be available to step into this role together.

To have them step into this role speaks of a healthy leadership development culture at NVBC and, for our youth ministry, it also helps to ensure a smooth transition and healthy continuation of our youth group culture (something that is very important to our youth and youth leaders).

So after discussion, prayer and discernment with Josh, Zach, Travis, Lewis and our Elders and Board, we have great confidence in bringing this recommendation to the church on Sunday.

First Quarter Finance Update

With March now behind us, we have made our way through the first quarter of our budget. A summary snapshot is below. If you have recently joined NVBC or are not yet in the regular pattern of giving to the work of God through this local church, we encourage you to consider joining us in together resourcing the ongoing pursuit of our vision.

Comment from our Treasurer: Operational Income is supporting the current softness in Giving, which is currently Averaging $8,501 pw, Expenses are tracking over budget due to a number of one off unexpected costs, and it is expected that as the year progresses this will balance out – this is the First Quarter and tends to be pulled / stretched due to BAM Camp – so a steady monitoring is prudent.


Focus Meeting

Sunday, April 7

Join us directly after the AM service this Sunday for our next Focus Meeting!

Flourish Dessert Night

13th April

Only one week to go until our women's Flourish Dessert Night! Ladies, make sure to buy your ticket here or at the info desk on Sunday.

Church Prayer Meeting

Wednesday, April 17

Our church prayer meetings are powerful times of gathering to intercede over our church and world. At the end of the night there will also be opportunity to receive personal prayer.

Connect Weekend

We have the ambitious goal to see our church connect with each other in homes, parks, cafes, beaches or activities across the last weekend of April. If you would like to host one the many connection events needed to facilitate this, please let us know here.



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