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28th March 2024

Easter Weekend

Gifted songwriters are a blessing to the church, penning words and melody that help us reflect on and respond to the sacrifice of Jesus afresh. As we head into the Easter weekend, our heart is for each one of us to be deeply impacted by the death and resurrection of our Saviour Jesus. With this in mind, we've linked some songs below to have a listen to and to worship along with. We will also use each during a time of response in our services this weekend.

Bamcamp 2024

Another year, another unforgettable Bamcamp experience in the books! This year's Bamcamp marked our largest gathering yet, and oh, what a weekend it was! From heart-stirring worship sessions to tubing on the lake, every moment was meaningful.

One of the most touching moments was witnessing Levi Bruderlin take a bold step in his faith journey through baptism. With his friends, parents, and grandparents gathered around, Levi publicly declared his identity in Christ, a moment many will never forget.

Highlight moments included our colour war! But amidst all the fun, our sessions resonated deeply, sparking conversations and reflections that we know will continue to ripple through the lives of young people.

We're deeply grateful to everyone who made Bamcamp possible, especially those who generously sponsored students to attend. A heartfelt thank you also goes out to our dedicated youth leaders, who selflessly gave their time to be with us at camp. Your passion and commitment are truly inspiring. As we look back on Bamcamp 2024, we're filled with gratitude for the memories made, the lives touched, and the community strengthened. Here's to many more unforgettable Bamcamps ahead!

News From Dr. Daniel Sze

Daniel has just commenced an extended preaching series at Mt Druitt Indigenous Church in Western Sydney, preaching a series of 8 sermons on 1 & 2 Peter. And last week he was back on the road, visiting Gilgandra and Lightning Ridge, the latter a potential short-term mission destination. He values our prayer support through all this. And we are looking forward to Daniel visiting and preaching at NVBC on 28th April.

Daniel is one of the NVBC-supported mission workers, working with Indigenous Church leaders in both regional and urban NSW. You can read more about Daniel on our website or ask Bob Gibson to tell you more about Daniel’s work. And look for his prayer points in The Harvest prayer newsletter.

Rachel's Maternity Leave Position!

In last week's newsletter we shared our recommendation that Sarah White be appointed to Rachel's maternity leave position as NVBC's Children and Families Worker!

Sarah will be sharing more of her experience and heart for the role in our AM service next weekend (April 7). And, of course, we will share more at our Focus Meeting which includes the chance for our Ministry Partners to respond to the recommendation.

If you missed the write up in last week's newsletter you can read it here


Easter Weekend

GOOD FRIDAY, 29th March


Come and join us at 9:30am on both Good Friday and Easter Sunday!

There will be a kids program running during both services.

We will have Hot Cross Buns after the Good Friday service,

and an Easter Egg hunt for the kids on Easter Sunday!

Focus Meeting

Sunday, April 7

Join us directly after the AM service for our next Focus Meeting, where we will be discussing our term 2 staffing! If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Ministry Partner ahead of our upcoming Focus Meeting, send us an email to find out how.

Flourish Dessert Night

13th April

A great chance for the women of NVBC to gather together, build community and be encouraged by personal testimonies of experiencing God's presence. Pop it in your diaries now and you can RVSP here.




149 Narara Valley Drive,
Narara, NSW


Phone: (02) 4328 5550


© 2024 Narara Valley Baptist Church.

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