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17th May 2024

Is prayer... fun?!

As a group of us gathered back together after praying through the church on Tuesday, I (Travis) opened up a time of sharing by asking “how did you find that?”. To which someone replied: “fun! I found that really fun”. And you know what, so did I!


Like many followers of Jesus, my relationship with prayer has had its ebbs and flows over the years. At times I have experienced prayer as a natural, powerful, essential and life-giving practice. At other times, if I’m honest, I have found prayer a frustratingly dry experience, engaging with it more as an obligation than a privilege. And at times, just as on Tuesday night, I have found it incredibly fun!


Why fun? Because there is something thrilling about praying to the Almighty All-Powerful Creator God as one of his beloved children. There is an adventurous quality to our praying when we seek to have our very prayers be led by God’s Spirit and as we listen to His voice as we do. Praying reminds us of the presence and power of our God, focuses us on God’s current and future activity, and captivates our heart for His Kingdom to break into people’s lives in greater measure. The experience of doing this alongside other faith-filled, Spirit-led pray-ers can magnify the “fun-ness” of the experience even more!


What about you? How are you experiencing prayer in your life today? May God lead us each further into the adventure, privilege and fun of praying!

May Mission Month Appeal

Our May Mission Month appeal is continuing until the end of May. We are raising money for an exciting project with Dr. Daniel Sze, bringing together expertise in discipleship training with indigenous leaders to create a First Nations discipleship training course.

To learn more about the project click here.

You can give via direct deposit to the usual church account with the reference "May Mission Month", or in person at the info desk on Sunday.

Please be praying for our missional ministries, as well as our mission partners, using the daily prayer points (for week 3) here.

News from ZOE International

Last year, Zoe Thailand took the opportunity to provide human trafficking awareness to 11,185 people during school visits. This involved instruction, drama, workshops and games, and has equipped the young people with knowledge making them less vulnerable. Zoe’s home welcomed 89 children who were rescued from modern slavery, by working with local law enforcement. Those rescued receive vocational training to help their recovery and progress with life (e.g., one started her own nail salon after finishing at Zoe and others participated in an international Christmas market).

As well as providing a home for children rescued from having been trafficked, Zoe also has a Bible & Leadership Training Program. NVBC has been supporting the work of the Bible School for many years. Learn more about the work of ZOE here, or ask Chris Young about it. And look for the prayer points in The Harvest.

Battle Belongs (new song!)

Last Sunday morning we introduced a new song 'Battle Belongs'. It is a powerful song calling us to praise, prayer and deep trust in God in the midst of any battles we find ourselves in.


Working Bee

Saturday May 18

Tomorrow from 8am onwards, please come along and lend a hand to make our grounds look beautiful, with weeding, trimming and other gardening jobs. Let Bob know if you can help out.

This Sunday

This Sunday Josh White (AM) and Travis (PM) will be preaching on 'Praising God together' from the Psalms. Come ready to enjoy a slightly extended time of worship after the messages too!

Presence Night

Wednesday May 22

We're very excited to host our next Presence Night this coming Wednesday!! This is a beautiful chance to join together in a time of joyful praise and prayer.



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